Australia to be announced soon

JULY 2025

1-6.7 Italy, to be announced soon

JUNE 2025

3-7.6 FRICTION group version retransmission EBB Company France Pau, FR

16-18.6 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE reprise at Théâtre d’Esch, LU

19-20.6 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE performances at Théâtre d’Esch, LU

23.6 Italy, to be announced soon

26.6 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE performances at Trifolion Echternach, LU

28-30.6 Italy, to be announced soon

MAY 2025

1.5 RENCONTRES FOLKLORIQUES performance at Abtei Neimenster, LU

5-6.5 THE GAME GRAND FINALE workshop at Trifolion Echternach, LU

10-31.5 Japan, to be announced soon

APRIL 2025

1.4 THE GAME GRAND FINALE workshop at Trifolion Echternach, LU

7-12.4 Performer and choreographer in e:motion by Francesco Tristano at World Expo Osaka Japan creation residency, LU

14-19.4 Dancer in Quixotes en Nueva York by Elephant in the Black Box Company Madrid, SP

21-30.4 RENCONTRES FOLKLORIQUES residency at Abtei Neimenster, LU

MARCH 2025

3-8.3 RENCONTRES FOLKLORIQUES residency at Abtei Neimenster, LU

17-30.3 FRICTION group version retransmission EBB Company France Pau, FR


3-12.2 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE residency at Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, LU

8.2 Workshop at Grand Théâtre of Luxembourg, LU

10.2 Jill Crovisier - A la recherche du corps perdu Documentary Film by Marie-Laure Rolland and FilmFund premiere at Cinémathèque Luxembourg, LU

13.2 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE première at Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, LU

14.2 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE performance at Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, LU

17-22.2 RENCONTRES FOLKLORIQUES residency at Abtei Neimenster, LU


2-22.1 Danse sans Frontière at Bunditpatanasilpa Institute Bangkok, TH

23.1 Danse sans Frontière end of residency showing at Bunditpatanasilpa Institute Bangkok, TH

24.1 Danse sans Frontière end of residency showing at HostBKK Bangkok, TH

25-26.1 Workshops at HostBKK Bangkok, TH

29-30.1 THE GAME - GRAND FINALE residency at Kinneksbond Mamer, LU

31.1 THE GAME - GRAND FINALE: A PRELUDE performance at Kinnkesbond Mamer, LU


1-13.12 Dancer in Quixotes en Nueva York by Elephant in the Black Box Company Madrid, SP

6-12.12 Danse sans Frontière at Théâtre Soleil Ouagadougou, BK

13.12 TOAA group version performance at Théâtre Soleil Ouagadougou, BK


18-30.11 Dancer in Quixotes en Nueva York by Elephant in the Black Box Company Madrid, SP

1-7.11 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE residency at TROIS C-L, LU

3.11 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE public presentation at TROIS C-L, LU

8.11 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE work in progress showing at Focus Danse KulturLX, LU


1-31.10 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE residency at TROIS C-L, Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, Théâtre d’Esch, LU

3.10 YRAM short film at Trois C-L Maison pour la Danse, LU

12.10 YRAM short film at Maison de la Danse Lyon / FICEP, FR


23-30.9 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE residency at TROIS C-L, Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, LU


13-26.8 The Hidden Garden performances at Summerhall Edinburgh, UK

27.8 I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme perofmances at Operaestate Festival, IT

JULY 2024

6.7 THE GAME Fondation EME performance at Kinnekswiss / Philharmonie, LU

16-27.7 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE residency at O Espaco do Tempo, PT

28.7 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE public showing at O Espaco do Tempo, PT

JUNE 2024

1.6 YRAM short film at the Nuit Blanche / Centre Culturel Irlandais de Paris / FICEP, FR

2-3.6 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

10-12.6 ARC-EN-CIEL commission Kammerata, LU

13-16.6 ARC-EN-CIEL Kammerata performances at Theatre National du Luxembourg, LU

14.6 THE GAME Fondation EME performance at Place d’Armes / CID Fraen an Gender, LU

16-17.6 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

19.6 SAHASA performances at Comedia Theater Köln, DE

25.6 I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performance at SEAD Salzburg, AU

MAY 2024

2-3.5 Workshop at Dance Alps St Johann, AU

6-16.5 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE residency at PimOFF Milan, IT

16.5 THE GAME-GRAND FINALE public showing + première I FRATELLI at PimOFF Milan, IT

17-18.5 YRAM short film at Festival Rencontres Chorégraphiques de Seine-Sainte.Denis / Théâtre le Pavillon/ FICEP, FR

18.5 BOLERO and I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performances at Festival Onze Bouge Paris, FR

19-20.5 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

27-31.5 Workshop at EBB Junior Company France in Pau, FR

APRIL 2024

1-5.4 Lisboa with Embassy of Luxembourg in Portugal, PT

9.4 SAHASA performance at THE SPRING Festival Rouen, FR

11.4 SAHASA performance at THE SPRING Festival Rouen, FR

15.4 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

21-22.4 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

MARCH 2024

1.3 Workshop at Elephant in the Black Box Company Madrid, SP

1-2.3 I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performances at AC Arts College Adelaide, AUS

3-4.3 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

9.3 I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performance at AC Arts College Adelaide Main Theatre, AUS

10-11.3 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

13-20.3 Retransmission resideny at SPEKTRUM Rumelange, LU

16.3 TOAA and I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performances at SPEKTRUM Rumelange, LU

17.3 Workshop at SPEKTRUM Rumelange, LU

17-18.3 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

19.3 The Hidden Garden performance at The Solo Series Festival at Soktu-Theatre Kuopio, FI

20.3 The Hidden Garden performance at The Solo Series Festival at Cultural Center Villa Rana Jyväskylä, FI

21.3 BOLERO and I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performances at Tanzmainz Festival, DE

22.3 The Hidden Garden performance at The Solo Series Festival at Dance Theatre MD Hällä-Stage Tampere, FI

29.3 ONNANOKO performance at Théâtre d’Esch, LU

31.3 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU


8-9.2 Guest teacher and Workshop at Dance Makers Collective Sydney, AUS

13-15.2 Retransmission residency at DanceHUB SA Adelaide, AUS

16.2 Guest teacher Alchemy Dance Collective Adelaide, AUS

16-19.2 I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performance at AC Arts College Adelaide Main Theatre, AUS

22-24.2 HALFHORSE HALFWOMAN performances at AC Arts College Adelaide Main Theatre, AUS

25-26.2 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

28-29.2 Workshop at Elephant in the Black Box Company Madrid, SP

29.2 I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme performance at AC Arts College Adelaide Main Theatre, AUS


8-11.1 THE GAME RESEARCH residency at Lucy Guerin Studios Melbourne, AUS

12.1 THE GAME RESEARCH end of residency public showing + artist talk at Lucy Guerin Studios Melbourne, AUS

12.1 Guest teacher morning class Lucy Guerin Melbourne, AUS

15-17.1 THE GAME RESEARCH residency at Dancehouse Melbourne, AUS

18.1 THE GAME RESEARCH end of residency public showing at Dancehouse Melbourne, AUS

16-20.1 BOLERO+I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme retransmission residency at The Space Dance&Arts Center Melbourne, AUS

21.1 BOLERO+I(CE)(S)CREAM Boléro Femme end of residency public showing at The Space Dance&Arts Center Melbourne, AUS

26-29.1 THE GAME RESEARCH residency at Critical Path Sydney, AUS

30.1 THE GAME RESEARCH end of residency public showing at Critical Path Sydney, AUS

31.1 Workshop+JCsound1 Solo / HALFHORSE HALFWOMAN performances + artist talk at Ready Made Works Sydney, AUS


1.12 DRAGONFLY (Guest Choreographer) Performance with Unity Space at Ho Chi Minh Experimental Performance Center Theater, VT

2-13.12 THE GAME research residency at Fanglao Black Box and Insitut Francais du Laos in Vientiane, LAOS

8.12 Contemporary dance workshops at Lycée International Francais de Vientiane Hoffet, LAOS

9.12 Contemporary dance workshop at FMK International Dance Festival

14.12 JCSOUND1 SOLO performance and THE GAME research public showing at FMK International Dance Festival (Fanglao Blackbox Theater), LAOS

18.12 JCSOUND1 SOLO Performance, workshop and Artist Talk at HOSTBKK in Bangkok, TH

20.12 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Guest Teacher, HK

20-26.12 I(CE)(S)CREAM BOLERO FEMME retransmission residency at Room712 JCCAC Hong Kong, HK

23.12 Contemporary dance workshop at Unlock Dancing Plaza, HK

26.12 I(CE)(S)CREAM BOLERO FEMME public showing at Room712 JCCAC Hong Kong, HK


1-29.11 DRAGONFLY (Gest Choreographer) creation residency with Unity Space at Ho Chi Minh City Dance School, VT

30.11 DRAGONFLY (Guest Choreographer) Performance with Unity Space at Ho Chi Minh Experimental Performance Center Theater, VT


1-13.10 THE GAME research residency at Tipperary Dance Ireland, IRL

12.10 Masterclass Tipperary Dance International Festival, IRL

14.10 THE GAME research public showing at Tipperary Dance International Festival, IRL

16.10 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

18.10 Dancer in KNUET by Company Kopla Bunz at Kulturhaus Niederanven, LU

25.10 SAHASA performances with TAK Lichtenstein at SAL Schaan, LI

26-28.10 Next Generation LAB SAHASA with Assitej small countries network, LI


17-18.9 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

24.9 TOAA performance at Tanz! meet me no W/H ere Trier, DE

JULY 2023

2-3.7 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

5-6.7 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company in Bielfeld, DE

8-11.6 Workshop at Elephant in the Black Box Pau, FR

15.7 Zement the solo performance at Kultourbus, LU

JUNE 2023

8.6 Table Ronde Guest Speaker TalentLAB Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, LU

10.6 BOLERO DUO + ONNANOKO + JCsound1 solo performances at Artikuss Sanem, LU

17.6 I(CE)(S)CREAM BOLERO FEMME performance at Cube Marnach, LU

18-19.6 SAHASA performances at Kinneksbond Mamer, LU

28.06 The Hidden Garden performance at SEAD Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, AU

MAY 2023

1.5 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

4-5.5 Assitej Workshop Young Audience Theatre Festival, LU

14-15.5 SAHASA performances at Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf, DE

16-19.5 Dancer for Hermès Paris, FR

21-25.5 The Hidden Garden retransmission at SEAD, AU

APRIL 2023

24.4 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

28.4 BOLERO + JCsound1 solo performance at TRIFOLION Echternach, LU

30.4 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

MARCH 2023

1-2.3 JCsound1 Research at TROIS C-L , LU

3.3 JCsound1 Research public showing at TROIS C-L , LU

5-6.3 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU

19-20.3 THE GAME research Fondation EME, LU


2-3.2 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company at TROIS C-L, LU

9.2 The Hidden Garden performance in La Lanterne Rambouillet, FR

13-16.2 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company in Boulogne-sur-Mer, FR

21-28.2 JCsound1 Research at TROIS C-L , LU


5-13.1 JCsound1 Research, SP

15-20.1 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company at Micadanses Paris, LU

21-31.1 JCsound1 Research at TROIS C-L, LU


1-2.12 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company at CCN Merzouki Créteil, FR

5-16.12 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company at TROIS C-L, LU

17.12 YRAM at Schungfabrik Kayl, LU


5.11 ONNANOKO performance at European Dance Competition Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg, LU

13.11-14.11 YRAM short dance film at Spektrum, Esch22 Rumelange, LU

14.11-16.11 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company at CCN Malandain Biarritz, FR

17-19.11 SAHASA reprise at TROIS C-L, LU

20-22.11 SAHASA performances at CAPE Ettelbrück, LU

24-27.11 SAHASA performances at Rotondes, LU

28-30.11 Dancer in Léon by Laboration Art Company at CCN Merzouki Créteil, FR


01-09.10 NILYNDA at Rogue Dancer Film Fest, USA

01.10 The Hidden Garden performance at Goyang Lake Art Festival, KR

08.10 NILYNDA at FIVC ScreenDance Chile Festival, CL

12.10 JCMP masterclasses at TNUA University, TW

15.10 NILYNDA at Festival Ciné-Corps Rennes, FR

18.10 JCMP masterclass Tainan University, TW

21.10 THE GAME research public showing + Zement the solo performance at Timur Dance Theatre, TW

23.10 JCMP masterclass at Taiwan Dance Platform Weiwuying, TW

26.10 Guest teacher at T.H.E. Company Singapore, SG


1-3.9 Tanzmesse Düsseldorf, DE

4.9 Zement the solo performance at Kultourbus Wellenstein, LU (postponed)

15-19.9 THE GAME research residency at Mukogawa Women’s University, JP

19.9 THE GAME research public showing + Zement the solo performance at Mukogawa Women’s University, JP

23.9 The Hidden Garden performance at Gunsan International Dance Festival, KR

24.9 ONNANOKO performance at Konschthal Esch (Rotary Esch Bassin Minier), LU

28.9 The Hidden Garden performance at Goyang International Dance Festival, KR

30.9 The Hidden Garden performance at SIDance Festival Seoul, KR

23-30.9 NILYNDA at Rogue Dancer Film Fest, USA


1-8.8 MAHALAGA Lansdscapes commission Esch22 Commune de Kayl/Rumelange, LU

10-11.8 Dancer and Choreographer for Baldo Verdu London, UK

20+21.8 MAHALAGA Lansdscapes commission Esch22 Commune de Kayl/Rumelange, LU

30-31.8 Tanzmesse Düsseldorf, DE

JULY 2022

3.7 ONNANOKO at Fête des Hauts Fourneaux Esch Belval, LU

15+16.7 Dancer, Choreographer and videographer for AWA in Dance Series, LU

25-31.7 MAHALAGA Lansdscapes commission creation Esch22 Commune de Kayl/Rumelange, LU

JUNE 2022

10.6 I(CE)(S)CREAM - BOLERO FEMME at Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, LU

12.6 Dancer in Sac à Dos by Corps In Situ at Arsenal Theatre Metz, FR

16-19.6 Tanzkongress Mainz, DE

20-25.6 Dancer in IM-SCHATTEN by DieRADIALISTEN in Esch-sur-Sûre, LU

MAY 2022

1-14.5 Dancer, Choreographer and videographer for AWA in Dance Series, LU

4-6.5 SAHASA performances at Rotondes, LU

12.5 BOLERO performance at LTETT Ettelbrück, LU

14.5 The Hidden Garden and BOLERO at DanSité Laboratoire Chorégraphique in Reims, FR

20.5 Dancer at FJD Celebration performance with Francesco Tristano, LU

21-24.5 Dancer in Sac à Dos by Corps In Situ in Sédan, FR

APRIL 2022

3-21.04 Dancer, Choreographer and videographer for AWA in Dance Series, LU/PT

26-27.04 SAHASA performances at Opderschmelz Dudelange, LU

29.04 SAHASA performances at TRIFOLION Echternach, LU

MARCH 2022

3.03 THE GAME - research showing at TROIS C - L, LU

7-11.03 Contemporary Dance Morning Classes at TROIS C - L, LU

14-19.3 Dancer in Sac à Dos by Corps In Situ, FR


1-12.2 JC movement contemporary dance workshop & THE GAME research with Elephant in the Black Box Madrid, ES

3.2 ONNANOKO with CND Junior Company Luxembourg at 3 du Trois TROIS C - L, LU

21-28.2 THE GAME Research residency at TROIS C - L, LU


6-23.1 ONNANOKO creation residency commission for AWA platform, LU

26.1 ONNANOKO creation residency commission for AWA platform, LU

29.1 ONNANOKO commission performance for AWA platform at Kinneksbond Mamer, LU


4.12 TEDx Luxembourg City Guest Speaker at Kinepolis, LU

8.12 JC movement contemporary dance workshop Boulogne-sur-Mer Conservatory, FR

11.12 BOLERO, The Hidden Garden and Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune at Carré SAM in Boulogne-sur-Mer, FR

12.12 Zement the solo at 1535° Bâtiment B opening ceremony Differdange, LU

14+17.12 FMK International Dance Festival online Workshop Laos

27-31.12 ONNANOKO creation residency commission AWA platform, LU


1.11-5.11 Zement, the solo at SIDance Festival Seoul, KR

1-16.11 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at Rotondes, LU

17.11 SAHASA premiere at Rotondes, LU

18-21.11 SAHASA performances at Rotondes, LU (cancelled)

25-26.11 SAHASA performances at CAPE Ettelbrück, LU (cancelled)


1-13.10 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at 3 C - L, LU

9.10 I(CE)(S)CREAM - BOLERO FEMME at Kinneksbond Mamer, LU

9.10 Dancer in Invisible Dances by Elisabeth Schilling Luxembourg City, LU

14+15.10 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune reprise at 3 C - L, LU

16.10 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune performance at 3 C - L, LU

24.10. NILYNDA at New Stage Alexandrinsky Theatre St.Petersburg (RU)

18-27.10 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at 3 C - L, LU

28-31.10 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at Rotondes, LU

29.10 - 31.10 Zement, the solo at SIDance Festival Seoul (KR)


1-3 SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen in Pau, FR

7-18.9 Dancer in IM-SCHATTEN by DieRADIALISTEN at Nuits de Lampions Wiltz, LU

8+9.9 SIEBEN with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen at Teatro Del Institut Français De Madrid, ES

29.9 SIEBEN with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen at Feria De Teatro y Danza Huesca, ES


2-7.8 Dancer in IM-SCHATTEN by DieRADIALISTEN at Nuits de Lampions Wiltz, LU

14-24.8 NILYNDA + Free Pita (premiere) at Battery Dance Festival New York, USA

16.8 Battery Dance Festival New York Online workshop Die Gastgeberin, USA

19-20.8 SIEBEN reprise Poland

21.8 SIEBEN at Gdansk Dance Festival Poland, PL

21.8 I(CE)(S)CREAM - BOLERO FEMME at Tanecno Festival Namestovo Slovakia

23-25.8 JC movement contemporary dance workshop at Gdansk Dance Festival Poland, PL

30+31.8 SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen in Pau, FR

JULY 2021

1-3.7 The Hidden Garden reprise 3 C - L (LU)

4+5.7 The Hidden Garden staging Festival Avignon OFF 2021 Théâtre Golovine, FR

7-29.7 The Hidden Garden Festival Avignon OFF 2021 Théâtre Golovine, FR


6-10.1 JINJEON research at 3 C – L LU

11-12.1 JINJEON children workshop at 3 C – L LU

28-31.1  JINJEON research + création BOLERO at 3 C – L LU


1-2.2      JINJEON research at 3 C – L, LU

3.2.         JINJEON research public showing at 3 C – L, LU

4-14.2     JINJEON research at Art Factory International Bologna, IT

14.2        JINJEON research public showing at Art Factory International Bologna, IT

17-28.2   Dancer in YIRO for Xie Xin Dance Theatre/Laboration Art Company at CCNRB, FR

MARCH 2020

4-8.3       Zement, the solo retransmission SEAD Salzburg graduation exam, AT

27.3        Zement, the solo performance at Accent platform Uferstudios Berlin, DE (cancelled)

30-31.3  Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

APRIL 2020

1-3.4       Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

4.4          Jury member concour CND Thèâtre d’Esch sur Alzette, LU (cancelled)

13-30.4   Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

Creation of short film ALGHABA

MAY 2020

1-6.5       Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

3.5 We Are We online screening Trois du 3 , LU

10.5        JC movement workshop at KAMAU event, LU (cancelled)

11-13.5   Zement, the solo retransmission + 1 performance at SEAD Salzburg graduation, AT (cancelled)

18-31.5     Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

Creation of short film 30 YEARS LATER

JUNE 2020

1-2.6       Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

5-6.6       NO MAN’S LAND reprise Bdance at Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg (cancelled)

7.6          NO MAN’S LAND performance at Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg (cancelled)

8-16.6     Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

15.6 NILYNDA at 3 Minutes Short Film competition Taiwan, TW

17-20.6   Tanzabend performances at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE (cancelled)

21-26.6   The Hidden Garden reprise at 3 C – L, LU (cancelled)

22-27.6 Creation of solo FRICTION st 3C-L, LU

26.6 Artist Talks by Deep Dive Dance, online interview

28.6        Dancer in YIRO for Xie Xin Dance Theatre et Laboration Art Company in Paris, FR (cancelled)

28.6 Zement, the solo retransmission + 1 performance at SEAD Salzburg graduation, AT

30.6        The Hidden Garden tech build up Festival Avignon OFF 2020 Théâtre Golovine, FR (cancelled)

1-30.6 NILYNDA short film tour in Bulgaria

JULY 2020

2.7          The Hidden Garden Avant premiere Festival Avignon OFF 2020 Théâtre Golovine, FR (cancelled)

6-10.7 JINJEON research residency + masterclasses at Théâtre Golovine, FR

10.7 BOLERO + The Hidden Garden short version at Théâtre Golovine, FR

3-24.7     The Hidden Garden 19 performances Festival Avignon OFF 2020 Théâtre Golovine, FR (cancelled)

26.-27.7 NILYNDA short film at Dance Days Chania Festival, GR


1-2.8 Dancer in Um-Wege by Animato Company, LU

7-8.8 Dancer and choreographer in the music video Tulipe by Ryvage, LU

26-30.8   Internationale Tanzmesse Düsseldorf - Dance from Luxembourg BOOTH, DE (cancelled)


1-20.9     ZEMENT, the Film short film with Film Fong and Welcome to Skin, LU + JP (cancelled)

6.9 Videographer for Um-Wege by Animato Company, LU

9.9 Videographer for Invisible Dances by Elisabeth Schilling, LU

10.9 NILYNDA at FIVideodanza International Film Festival Mexico City, MX

27.9 Zement, the solo at Mid-Autumn Festival of the Cultural Center China, LU

28-30.9   JINJEON creation residency at Annonay Chapelle Sainte Marie, FR

28.9 NILYNDA at Los Angeles Dance Shorts Film Festival, USA

30.9 NILYNDA at International Dance Film Festival Brussels, BE


1-3.10 NILYNDA at International Dance Film Festival Brussels, BE

3.10 Zement, the solo at Accent Platform Uferstudios Berlin, DE

4.10 BOLERO at Linkage choreographic competition Bulgaria, BG

1-16.10   JINJEON creation residency at Annonay Chapelle Sainte Marie, FR

15-17.10 BOLERO at Masdanza solo competition Gran Canaria, SP

18.10 BOLERO at Teatro Victoria Tenerife, SP

21.10 BOLERO at Teatro Circo De Marte La Palma, SP

22.10 BOLERO at Centro Cultural Asabanos El Hierro, SP

23.10 BOLERO at Teatro Victor Fernandez Gopar El Salinero Lanzarotte, SP

25.10 BOLERO at Auditorio Insular De Puerto Del Rosario Fuerteventura, SP

26.10 BOLERO at Teatro Perez Galdos Las Palma de Gran Canria, SP

19-31.10 JINJEON creation residency at Annonay Théâtre des Cordelliers, FR


1-2.11     JINJEON creation residency at Annonay Théâtre des Cordelliers, FR (cancelled)

3.11        JINJEON avant premier at Annonay Théâtre des Cordelliers, FR (cancelled)

4-13.11   creation residency commission for AWA platform, LU (cancelled)

7-8.11 NILYNDA at Kinetoscope International Screendance Festival Montana, USA

13-15.11 NILYNDA at Los Angeles Dance Shorts Film Festival, USA

14.11      performance commission AWA platform Kinneksbond, LU (cancelled)

16+24.11 NILYNDA finalist at International Portrait Film Festival-IPFF Bulgaria

20-22.11 NILYNDA at Dance On Screen Festival Graz, AT (cancelled)

27.11 BOLERO and The Hidden Garden in Boulogne sur Mer, FR (cancelled)

28-30.11 JINJEON reprise Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg


1.12        reprise JINJEON Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg

2.12        premiere JINJEON Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg (cancelled)

3.12        representation JINJEON Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg (cancelled)

2-13.12 NILYNDA at InShadow Lisbon Screendance Festival - Gallery Espaço Cultural das Mercês (PT)

27.12 ART ROOM by KUK Bâtiment 4 Esch sur Alzette (LU) Concept + Art Direction


28-31.1 DIE GASTGEBERIN creation, LU


3.2 DIE GASTGEBERIN 1+1 Zoom performances at 3 C - L, LU

8-21.2 SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen in Pau, FR

22-.26.2 SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen at Espaces Pluriels Scènes conventionnée danse Pau, FR

MARCH 2021

1-11.3     SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen in Pau, FR

5.3 NILYNDA at Solocoreografico Film Night Tornio, IT

12-13.3     SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen at Espace Chambaud Pau, FR

13.3        SIEBEN performance at Espace 110 Illzach Festival La Quinzaine de la danse, FR (cancelled)

22-31.3 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune commission Kinneksbond Mamer, residency at 3 C - L, LU

25-28.3 NILYNDA at Opine Dance Film Festival Philadelphia, USA

APRIL 2021

1-4.4 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune commission Kinneksbond Mamer,residency at 3 C - L and Kinneksbond Mamer, LU

5-9.4 Dancer in Sac à Dos Corps In Situ, FR

14-16.4 Dancer in Sac à Dos Corps In Situ, FR

19-24.4 SAHASA-young audience creation residency at 3 C – L, LU

26-30.4 Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE

MAY 2021

1-7.5 Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE

10-13.5 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune residency at Kinneksbond Mamer, LU

14+15.5 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune performances at Kinneksbond Mamer, LU

17-31.5 Tanzabend creation residency at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE

JUNE 2021

1-5.6 Tanzabend performances at Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, DE

3+5.6 Dancer in YIRO for Xie Xin Dance Theatre and Laboration Art Company at Tanz Ist, AT (cancelled)

12.6 BOLERO at Interplay International Dance Festival Torino (IT)

13.6 Dancer in YIRO for Xie Xin Dance Theatre and Laboration Art Company at Château de Blandy-les-Tours, FR (cancelled)

14-17.7 JINJEON reprise at Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg

18.6 JINJEON Premiere at Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg

19.6     JINJEON performance at Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg 

18-20.6 NILYNDA at Dance on Screen Festival Orpheum Graz, AT

24.6 SIEBEN performance at Espace 110 Illzach, FR

23-30.6 The Hidden Garden reprise 3 C - L (LU)

27.6 I(CE)(S)CREAM - BOLERO FEMME retransmission + 1 performance at SEAD Salzburg graduation, AT

JULY 2021

1-3.7 The Hidden Garden reprise 3 C - L (LU)

4+5.7 The Hidden Garden staging Festival Avignon OFF 2021 Théâtre Golovine, FR

7-29.7 The Hidden Garden Festival Avignon OFF 2021 Théâtre Golovine, FR


2-7.8 Dancer in IM-SCHATTEN by DieRADIALISTEN at Nuits de Lampions Wiltz, LU

14-24.8 NILYNDA + Free Pita (premiere) at Battery Dance Festival New York, USA

16.8 Battery Dance Festival New York Online workshop Die Gastgeberin, USA

19-20.8 SIEBEN reprise Poland

21.8 SIEBEN at Gdansk Dance Festival Poland, PL

21.8 I(CE)(S)CREAM - BOLERO FEMME at Tanecno Festival Namestovo Slovakia

23-25.8 JC movement contemporary dance workshop at Gdansk Dance Festival Poland, PL

30+31.8 SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen in Pau, FR


1-3 SIEBEN reprise/ retransmission with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen in Pau, FR

7-18.9 Dancer in IM-SCHATTEN by DieRADIALISTEN at Nuits de Lampions Wiltz, LU

8+9.9 SIEBEN with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen at Teatro Del Institut Français De Madrid, ES

29.9 SIEBEN with EBB Jeune Ballet Européen at Feria De Teatro y Danza Huesca, ES


1-13.10 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at 3 C - L, LU

9.10 I(CE)(S)CREAM - BOLERO FEMME at Kinneksbond Mamer, LU

9.10 Dancer in Invisible Dances by Elisabeth Schilling Luxembourg City, LU

14+15.10 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune reprise at 3 C - L, LU

16.10 Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune performance at 3 C - L, LU

24.10. NILYNDA at New Stage Alexandrinsky Theatre St.Petersburg (RU)

18-27.10 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at 3 C - L, LU

28-31.10 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at Rotondes, LU

29.10 - 31.10 Zement, the solo at SIDance Festival Seoul (KR)


1.11 - 5.11 Zement, the solo at SIDance Festival Seoul (KR)

1-16.11 SAHASA - young audience creation residency at Rotondes, LU

17.11 SAHASA premiere at Rotondes, LU

18-21.11 SAHASA performances at Rotondes, LU (cancelled)

25-26.11 SAHASA performances at CAPE Ettelbrück, LU (cancelled)


4.12 TEDx Luxembourg City Guest Speaker and Zement the solo performance at Kinepolis, LU

8.12 JC movement contemporary dance workshop Boulogne-sur-Mer Conservatory, FR

11.12 BOLERO, The Hidden Garden and Prélude à L’Après-Midi d’un Faune at Carré SAM in Boulogne-sur-Mer, FR

12.12 Zement the solo at 1535° Bâtiment B opening ceremony Differdange, LU

14+17.12 FMK International Dance Festival online Workshop Laos

27-31.12 ONNANOKO creation residency commission AWA platform, LU